ètico is thinking global and buying local.

Meticulously selected products, made with love and respect for the land, people and community.

ètico is quality

“Every technique and every research, as well as every action and every choice, tend towards some good, as it seems; therefore good has rightly been defined as that towards which everything tends."

Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book I, 1094a

ètico is community

ètico is a multi-dimensional project that aims to explore various fields: from sustainable clothing, through natural cosmetics and wine, to good, clean and fair food. In each of these ethical fields it seeks and creates community, amplifying relationships. Etico is a growing community, a physical and mental place where contamination is always welcome.

ètico is meeting

ético is a place of meeting, information and education. Each product is part of a process of discovery and education on the supply chain to which it belongs. This is why meeting the producers and their stories is fundamental, at the center of the ethical world.

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